Source code for tunic.install

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Tunic
# Copyright 2014-2015 TSH Labs <>
# Available under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Perform installations on remote machines.

from urlparse import urlparse

import os.path
from .core import try_repeatedly, FabRunner, ProjectBaseMixin

def _is_iterable(val):
    """Ensure that a value is iterable and not some sort of string"""
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        return False
        return not isinstance(val, basestring)

[docs]class VirtualEnvInstallation(ProjectBaseMixin): """Install one or multiple packages into a remote Python virtual environment. If the remote virtual environment does not already exist, it will be created during the install process. The installation can use the standard package index (PyPI) to download dependencies, or it can use one or multiple alternative installation sources (such as a local PyPI instance, Artifactory, the local file system, etc.) and ignore the default index. These two modes are mutually exclusive. See :doc:`design` for more information about the expected directory structure for deployments. .. versionadded:: 0.3.0 """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def __init__(self, base, packages, sources=None, venv_path=None, runner=None): """Set the project base directory, packages to install, and optionally alternative sources from which to download dependencies and path to the virtualenv tool. :param str base: Absolute path to the root of the code deploy on the remote server :param list packages: A collection of package names to install into a remote virtual environment. :param list sources: A collection of alternative sources from which to install dependencies. These sources should be strings that are either URLs or file paths. E.g. '' or '/tmp/build/mypackages'. Paths and URLs may be mixed in the same list of sources. :param str venv_path: Optional absolute path to the virtualenv tool on the remote server. Required if the virtualenv tool is not in the PATH on the remote server. :param FabRunner runner: Optional runner to use for executing remote and local commands to perform the installation. :raises ValueError: If the base directory isn't specified, if no packages are given, packages is not an iterable collection of some kind, or if sources is specified but not an iterable collection of some kind. .. versionchanged:: 0.4.0 Allow the path to the ``virtualenv`` script on the remote server to be specified. """ super(VirtualEnvInstallation, self).__init__(base) if not packages: raise ValueError( "You must specify at least one package to install") if not _is_iterable(packages): raise ValueError("Packages must be an iterable") if sources is not None and not _is_iterable(sources): raise ValueError("Sources must be an iterable") self._packages = list(packages) self._sources = list(sources) if sources is not None else [] self._venv_path = venv_path if venv_path is not None else 'virtualenv' self._runner = runner if runner is not None else FabRunner()
def _get_install_sources(self): """Construct arguments to use alternative package indexes if there were sources supplied, empty string if there were not. """ if not self._sources: return '' parts = ['--no-index'] for source in self._sources: parts.append("--find-links '{0}'".format(source)) return ' '.join(parts)
[docs] def install(self, release_id, upgrade=False): """Install target packages into a virtual environment. If the virtual environment for the given release ID does not exist on the remote system, it will be created. The virtual environment will be created according to the standard Tunic directory structure (see :doc:`design`). If ``upgrade=True`` is passed, packages will be updated to the most recent version if they are already installed in the virtual environment. :param str release_id: Timestamp-based identifier for this deployment. If this ID corresponds to a virtual environment that already exists, packages will be installed into this environment. :param bool upgrade: Should packages be updated if they are already installed in the virtual environment. :return: The results of running the installation command using Fabric. Note that this return value is a decorated version of a string that contains additional meta data about the result of the command, in addition to the output generated. :rtype: str """ release_path = os.path.join(self._releases, release_id) if not self._runner.exists(release_path):"{0} '{1}'".format(self._venv_path, release_path)) cmd = [os.path.join(release_path, 'bin', 'pip'), 'install'] if upgrade: cmd.append('--upgrade') sources = self._get_install_sources() if sources: cmd.append(sources) cmd.extend("'{0}'".format(package) for package in self._packages) return' '.join(cmd))
[docs]class StaticFileInstallation(ProjectBaseMixin): """Install the contents of a local directory into a remote release directory. If the remote release directory does not already exist, it will be created during the install process. See :doc:`design` for more information about the expected directory structure for deployments. .. versionadded:: 0.5.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, base, local_path, runner=None): """Set the project base directory on the remote server and path to a directory of static content to be installed into a remote release directory. :param str base: Absolute path to the root of the code deploy on the remote server :param str local_path: Absolute or relative path to a local directory whose contents will be copied to a remote release directory. :param FabRunner runner: Optional runner to use for executing remote and local commands to perform the installation. :raises ValueError: If the base directory or local path isn't specified. """ super(StaticFileInstallation, self).__init__(base) if not local_path: raise ValueError("You must specify a local path") self._local_path = local_path self._runner = runner if runner is not None else FabRunner()
[docs] def install(self, release_id): """Install the contents of the local directory into a release directory. If the directory for the given release ID does not exist on the remote system, it will be created. The directory will be created according to the standard Tunic directory structure (see :doc:`design`). Note that the name and path of the local directory is irrelevant, only the contents of the specified directory will be transferred to the remote server. The contents will end up as children of the release directory on the remote server. :param str release_id: Timestamp-based identifier for this deployment. If this ID corresponds to a directory that already exists, contents of the local directory will be copied into this directory. :return: The results of the ``put`` command using Fabric. This return value is an iterable of the paths of all files uploaded on the remote server. """ release_path = os.path.join(self._releases, release_id) if not self._runner.exists(release_path):"mkdir -p '{0}'".format(release_path)) # Make sure to remove any user supplied globs or trailing slashes # so that we can ensure exactly the glob behavior we want from the # put command. local_path = self._local_path.strip('*').strip(os.path.sep) return self._runner.put(os.path.join(local_path, '*'), release_path)
[docs]class LocalArtifactInstallation(ProjectBaseMixin): """Install a single local file into a remote release directory. This can be useful for installing applications that are typically bundled as a single file, e.g. Go binaries or Java JAR files, etc.. The artifact can optionally be renamed as part of the installation process. If the remote release directory does not already exist, it will be created during the install process. See :doc:`design` for more information about the expected directory structure for deployments. .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, base, local_file, remote_name=None, runner=None): """Set the project base directory on the remote server, local artifact (a single file) that should be installed remotely, and optional file name to rename the artifact to on the remote server. :param str base: Absolute path to the root of the code deploy on the remote server :param str local_file: Relative or absolute path to the local artifact to be installed on the remote server. :param str remote_name: Optional file name for the artifact after it has been installed on the remote server. For example, if the artifact should always be called 'application.jar' on the remote server but might be named differently ('application-1.2.3.jar') locally, you would specify ``remote_name='application.jar'`` for this parameter. :param FabRunner runner: Optional runner to use for executing remote and local commands to perform the installation. :raises ValueError: If the base directory or local file isn't specified. """ super(LocalArtifactInstallation, self).__init__(base) if not local_file: raise ValueError("You must specify a local file path") self._local_file = local_file self._remote_name = remote_name self._runner = runner if runner is not None else FabRunner()
[docs] def install(self, release_id): """Install the local artifact into the remote release directory, optionally with a different name than the artifact had locally. If the directory for the given release ID does not exist on the remote system, it will be created. The directory will be created according to the standard Tunic directory structure (see :doc:`design`). :param str release_id: Timestamp-based identifier for this deployment. :param int retries: Max number of times to retry downloads after a failure :param float retry_delay: Number of seconds between download retries :return: The results of the ``put`` command using Fabric. This return value is an iterable of the paths of all files uploaded on the remote server. """ release_path = os.path.join(self._releases, release_id) if not self._runner.exists(release_path):"mkdir -p '{0}'".format(release_path)) # The artifact can optionally be renamed when being uploaded to # remote server. Useful for when we need a consistent name for # each deploy on the remote server but the local artifact includes # version numbers or something. if self._remote_name is not None: destination = os.path.join(release_path, self._remote_name) else: destination = release_path return self._runner.put(self._local_file, destination, mirror_local_mode=True)
def download_url(url, destination, retries=None, retry_delay=None, runner=None): """Download the given URL with wget to the provided path. The command is run via Fabric on the current remote machine. Therefore, the destination path should be for the remote machine. :param str url: URL to download onto the remote machine :param str destination: Path to download the URL to on the remote machine :param int retries: Max number of times to retry downloads after a failure :param float retry_delay: Number of seconds between download retries :param FabRunner runner: Optional runner to use for executing commands. :return: The results of the wget call """ runner = runner if runner is not None else FabRunner() return try_repeatedly( lambda:"wget --quiet --output-document '{0}' '{1}'".format(destination, url)), max_retries=retries, delay=retry_delay )
[docs]class HttpArtifactInstallation(ProjectBaseMixin): """Download and install a single file into a remote release directory. This is useful for installing an application that is typically bundled as a single file, e.g. Go binaries or Java JAR files, after downloading it from some sort of artifact repository (such as a company-wide file server or artifact store like Artifactory). Downloads are performed over HTTP or HTTPS using a call to ``wget`` on the remote machine by default. An alternate download method may be specified when creating a new instance of this installer by providing an alternate implementation. The download method is expected to conform to the following interface. >>> def download(url, destination, retries=None, retry_delay=None): ... pass Where ``url`` is a URL to the artifact that should be downloaded, ``destination`` is the absolute path on the remote machine that the artifact should be downloaded to, ``retries`` is the number of download attempts made after a failure, and ``retry_delay`` is the number of seconds between retries. The function should return the result of the Fabric command run(e.g. calling 'curl' or 'wget' with :func:``). If the remote release directory does not already exist, it will be created during the install process. See :doc:`design` for more information about the expected directory structure for deployments. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 """ _default_retries = 1 _default_retry_delay = 0 # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] def __init__(self, base, artifact_url, remote_name=None, retries=None, retry_delay=None, downloader=None, runner=None): """Set the project base directory on the remote server, URL to the artifact that should be installed remotely, and optional file name to rename the artifact to on the remote server. :param str base: Absolute path to the root of the code deploy on the remote server :param str artifact_url: URL to the artifact to be downloaded and installed on the remote server. :param str remote_name: Optional file name for the artifact after it has been installed on the remote server. For example, if the artifact should always be called 'application.jar' on the remote server but might be named differently ('application-1.2.3.jar') locally, you would specify ``remote_name='application.jar'`` for this parameter. :param int retries: Max number of times to retry downloads after a failure. Default is to retry once after a failure. :param float retry_delay: Number of seconds between download retries. Default is not to wait between a failure and subsequent retry. :param callable downloader: Function to download the artifact with the interface specified above. This is primarily for unit testing but may be useful for users that need to be able to customize how the artifact HTTP store is accessed. :param FabRunner runner: Optional runner to use for executing remote and local commands to perform the installation. :raises ValueError: If the base directory or artifact URL isn't specified. .. versionchanged:: 1.3.0 Added the ``retries`` and ``retry_delay`` parameters """ super(HttpArtifactInstallation, self).__init__(base) if not artifact_url: raise ValueError("You must specify a URL") self._artifact_url = artifact_url self._remote_name = remote_name self._retries = retries if retries is not None else self._default_retries self._retry_delay = retry_delay if retry_delay is not None else self._default_retry_delay self._downloader = downloader if downloader is not None else download_url self._runner = runner if runner is not None else FabRunner()
@staticmethod def _get_file_from_url(url): """Get the filename part of the path component from a URL.""" path = urlparse(url).path if not path: raise ValueError("Could not extract path from URL '{0}'".format(url)) name = os.path.basename(path) if not name: raise ValueError("Could not extract file name from path '{0}'".format(path)) return name
[docs] def install(self, release_id): """Download and install an artifact into the remote release directory, optionally with a different name the the artifact had. If the directory for the given release ID does not exist on the remote system, it will be created. The directory will be created according to the standard Tunic directory structure (see :doc:`design`). :param str release_id: Timestamp-based identifier for this deployment. :return: The results of the download function being run. This return value should be the result of running a command with Fabric. By default this will be the result of running ``wget``. """ release_path = os.path.join(self._releases, release_id) if not self._runner.exists(release_path):"mkdir -p '{0}'".format(release_path)) # The artifact can optionally be renamed to something specific when # downloaded on the remote server. In that case use the provided name # in the download path. Otherwise, just use the last component of # of the URL we're downloading. if self._remote_name is not None: destination = os.path.join(release_path, self._remote_name) else: destination = os.path.join(release_path, self._get_file_from_url(self._artifact_url)) # Note that although the default implementation of a download method # accepts a FabRunner instance, we aren't passing our instance here. # The reason being, that's only needed for testing the download_url # method. If we were testing class, we'd mock out the download method # anyway. So, it's not part of the public API of the download interface # and we don't deal with it here. return self._downloader( self._artifact_url, destination, retries=self._retries, retry_delay=self._retry_delay )
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class LocalArtifactTransfer(object): """Transfer a local artifact or directory of artifacts to a remote server when entering a context manager and clean the transferred files up on the remote server after leaving the block. The value yielded when entering the context manager will be the full path to the transferred file or directory on the remote server. The value yielded will be made up of ``remote_path`` combined with the right most component of ``local_path``. For example, if ``/tmp/myapp`` is a local directory that contains several files, the example below will have the following effect. >>> transfer = LocalArtifactTransfer('/tmp/myapp', '/tmp/artifacts') >>> with transfer as remote_dest: ... pass The directory ``myapp`` and its contents would be copied to ``/tmp/artifacts/myapp`` on the remote machine within the scope of the context manager and the value of ``remote_dest`` would be ``/tmp/artifacts/myapp``. After the context manager exits ``/tmp/artifacts/myapp`` on the remote machine will be removed. If ``/tmp/`` is a single local file, the example below will have the following effect. >>> transfer = LocalArtifactTransfer('/tmp/', '/tmp/artifacts') >>> with transfer as remote_dest: ... pass The file ```` would be copied to ``/tmp/artifacts/`` on the remote machine within the scope of the context manager and the value of ``remote_dest`` would be ``/tmp/artifacts/``. After the context manager exits ``/tmp/artifacts/`` on the remote machine will be removed. The destination of the artifacts must be a directory that is writable by the user running the deploy or that the user has permission to create. The path yielded by the context will be removed when the context manager exits. The local artifacts are not modified or removed on exit. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, local_path, remote_path, runner=None): """Set the local directory that contains the artifacts and the remote directory that they should be transferred to. Both the local and remote paths should not contain trailing slashes. Any trailing slashes will be removed. :param str local_path: Directory path on the local machine that contains the build artifacts to be transferred (without a trailing slash) or the path on the local machine of a single file. :param str remote_path: Directory on the remote machine that the build artifacts should be transferred to (without a tailing slash). :param FabRunner runner: Optional runner to use for executing commands to transfer artifacts. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.0 Trailing slashes are now removed from ``local_path`` and ``remote_path``. """ self._local_path = local_path.rstrip(os.path.sep) self._remote_path = remote_path.rstrip(os.path.sep) self._remote_dest = os.path.join( self._remote_path, os.path.basename(self._local_path)) self._runner = runner if runner is not None else FabRunner()
[docs] def __enter__(self): """Transfer the local artifacts to the appropriate place on the remote server (ensuring the path exists first) and return the remote destination path. The remote destination path is the remote path joined with the right-most component of the local path. :return: The path artifacts were transferred to on the remote server :rtype: str """"mkdir -p '{0}'".format(self._remote_path)) self._runner.put(self._local_path, self._remote_path) return self._remote_dest
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """Remove the directory containing the build artifacts on the remote server. """"rm -rf '{0}'".format(self._remote_dest)) return False